This Business Plan sets out how Calderdale and Huddersfield Solutions Limited (CHS) will deliver its company objectives for 2023/24.
In March 2018 the Trust approved the establishment of Calderdale and Huddersfield Solutions Limited (CHS) as a wholly owned subsidiary, which would become part of the CHFT Group. CHS went operationally live on 1st September 2018.
List of achievements
In the last 12 months we have had some challenges due to the Covid pandemic, but have also had some real successes in line with our business plan goals.
Transforming & Improving Patient Care
We have supported and will continue to support CHFT with the reconfiguration programme, with the ED at HRI due to complete summer 2023.
We have maintained good results on our delivery of KPIs to CHFT .
We have reviewed all our SLAs to CHFT , making improvements, additions and also increased KPI targets within medical engineering to further improve our services to CHFT.
We have recruited to new roles “ Facilities out of hours Managers” to provide consistent improved services 24 hours a day.
We have awarded new linen and food contracts, the latter in conjunction with WYAAT members.
We have and will continue to conduct our weekly patient surveys and annual customer (CHFT) surveys to receive feedback and made action plans to address any matters raised.
Procurement team won the “above and beyond” category award at the Yorkshire and Humber Skills Development Network
We have introduced a stop and shop trolley for patients and staff that visits wards and departments daily
Keeping the base safe
Wehave trained all domestic staff to BICS methodology and license to practice.
We have monitored our compliance register to ensure full compliance and actions are actioned as per deadlines.
We have closed or reduced 14 risks from our risk register, providing safe and improved services to our customers.
Supply Chain Manager attended the House of Lords for recognition for the contribution made for working collaboratively across WYAAT and for being an active member of HCSA.
We have introduced and implemented the new NHS Cleaning Standards successfully across HRI & Acre Mill sites, working collaboratively with infection control.
A Workforce for the future
Wehave monitored and managed our sickness absence to achieve KPI target, of which at March 23 was 3.79%.
We have recruited a new CHS Chair and Head of Commercial Projects role
We have made changes to improve our recruitment processes including shorter recruitment times, paper applications and working with local authorities through initiatives such as project search and princes trust.
We have received approval from CHFT for improved CHS terms and conditions
We have refreshed our apprentice strategy and continue to work with all services for increased utilisation of apprenticeships.
We have held a board development session with heads of service following the staff survey results regarding staff engagement and agreed an action plan.
We have approved our succession plan which is well embedded into manager objectives.
We have developed HR training packages for our managers and supervisors, which continues to be rolled out.
We continue to progress the Green Plan action plan , which we are currently achieving 148 out of the 203 actions.
We continue to co-ordinate the delivery of the CHFT travel plan via quarterly workstream. Travel survey completed.
We have established a working group with Equans at CRH to address energy consumption. Feasibility are being prepared and heat mapping has been undertaken to look at ways to reduce rates of energy consumption
We continue to introduce more green champions.
We have planted 240 trees around HRI site as part of the Queens Platinum Jubilee celebrations.
Financial, Effectiveness & Efficiency
We have and continue to review all contracts via procurement for best value to our customers and/ or where possible brought service in-house to CHS.
We have established a Commercial Forum and an action plan has been has been produced for commercial opportunities which is monitored bi-monthly by CHS Board
We have delivered our capital plan to forecast.
We have completed our ERIC return which showed improvements against benchmarks from the previous year. An action plan has been established and monitored for items below benchmark.
We have redesigned and improved our internet page. We have also established company Linked-In and Twitter pages to share and promote CHS.
We celebrated our 1st NHS Estates & Facilities day in June 22, staff received thank you cards and buns, along with a raffle and senior managers and board visited teams on the day
We have been voted for the 3rd year in the Kirklees top 100 companies at 38th place
We have introduced a new “grab and go” service within the southside dining room, providing quick and easy snacks.

Our vision:
Together we will deliver outstanding compassionate care to the communities we serve.
Our behaviours:
We put the patient first / We go see / We do the must dos / We work together to get results
Our goals (the result) and our responses:
Transforming Services & Population Outcomes | Keeping the base safe - Best quality and safety of care | Inclusive workforce and local employment | Financial, Economic and Environmental sustainability, Commercial & Communications |
We will support CHFT with the reconfiguration programme | We will work with CHFT to complete the governance review and participate in the CQC self - assessment framework. | We will ensure CHS is an inclusive place to work by widening access into employment and working in partnership with local providers to support those in most need. Recruitment processes will be streamlined, removing barriers to attract talent from diverse backgrounds. | We will work towards our Green & Travel plan targets for 2023/24. |
We will continue to support equality, diversity and inclusion initiatives and embed CHS values and behaviours in all that we do. | |||
We will support CHFT with the transition into the new A&E at HRI configuring our workforce and our services around clinical meed. | We will develop the company Quality Management Statement aligned with the ISO9001 standards | We will develop our people by creating new career pathways that have mobility and progression whilst ensuring out workforce model meets the merging themes from the Target Operating Model. | We will demonstrate the additional social value, in terms of local businesses via Procurement. |
We will support CHFT with the commencement of the construction of the new Learning and Development Centre and Car Park at CRH. | We will build the next generation of Estates, Facilities and Procurement people by addressing skills gaps recruiting people by addressing skills gaps, recruiting the best talent and strengthening our apprenticeship offer. | We will deliver our annual financial plans, including financial balance, cost improvement programme and capital programme. | |
We will support the development of digital solutions to improve the services we provide to customers, staff and patients. | We will continue to support the wellbeing of staff and raise the profile of CHS workforce giving our people the support and recognition they deserve. | We will develop the company and the workforce to enable commercial services to be offered. |